Economic Structure

Galia’s Economic Doctrine, established by the Council of Peace (COP), outlines the principles and policies governing the federation's economy. To foster prosperity, cooperation, and sustainable growth

Galia’s Economic Principles:

Inter-Federation Integration:

The COP envisions a system where all federation star systems and civilizations are interconnected and engaged in trade and cooperation. Interstellar economic integration facilitates mutual understanding, cultural exchange, and efficient resource allocation. It nurtures interstellar harmony and cooperation for the benefit of the federation.

Sustainable Development:

The doctrine emphasizes the importance of sustainable economic practices that ensure the long-term viability of factions and distinct star systems across the federation. It encourages the use of advanced technologies and responsible resource extraction across all professions that uphold the standard set by the COP alongside ONI leadership.

Scientific Advancement and Innovation:

The doctrine promotes continuous research exploration and technological advancement. Research and development initiatives are actively supported to foster faction expansion, drive economic growth, and enhance the quality of life across Galia. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing among star systems are encouraged to accelerate development progress.

The ATLAS Currency:

Purpose and Function:

ATLAS, the universal currency of the Galia, serves as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It facilitates seamless trade, eliminates currency exchange barriers, and fosters economic stability across star systems. The COP, with the help of the MUD faction leaders, oversees ATLAS's issuance, regulation, and management to maintain its integrity and stability.

Conversion and Exchange Rates:

The COP establishes transparent and efficient mechanisms for converting foreign currencies into ATLAS and vice versa. Exchange rates are determined by market forces and regulated to ensure stability, preventing excessive fluctuations that could disrupt trade or destabilize participating star systems. Fair exchange mechanisms promote trust and encourage inter-federation trade.

ATLAS Reserve System:

To ensure stability and manage liquidity, the COP, along side MUD leaders, establishes an ATLAS Reserve System. Federation star systems contribute to reserves through mechanisms such as land value tax, and the MUD leaders manage these reserves prudently to stabilize the economy of Galia, address economic crises, and support long-term development projects. The reserve system is designed to maintain the value and integrity of ATLAS.

Economic Policies and Measures:

Free Trade and Market Access:

The doctrine advocates for removing trade barriers, such as tariffs and quotas, to promote free and fair trade within the federation. Galactic Marketplace access is facilitated, allowing for the exchange of goods, services, and knowledge, fostering economic growth and interstellar cooperation. Fairtrade practices promote mutual benefit and strengthen economic ties among factions.

Harmonization of Regulations:

To foster a level playing field and minimize trade friction, the COP, with ONI leadership's help, works towards harmonizing economic regulations and standards across the federation. This ensures fair competition, consumer protection, and compatibility of trade practices, enabling smoother integration into the economy of Galia. Collaborative regulatory frameworks promote trust and enhance economic cooperation between factions.

Investment and Infrastructure Development:

The doctrine encourages investment in infrastructure projects that enhance interstellar connectivity, such as the star path, communication systems, and resource hubs. Participating star systems are incentivized to invest in their own development as well as support the development of less advanced star systems. This fosters a balanced and interconnected federation, benefiting all factions.

Economic Cooperation and Development Programs:

The COP promotes economic cooperation and development programs to address economic disparities among participating star systems. Capacity-building initiatives, technology transfers, and knowledge-sharing platforms are established to facilitate the development of less advanced star systems. These programs foster inclusive growth and support the sustainable advancement of the federation.

Financial Inclusion and Stability:

As dictated by ONI leadership, the doctrine emphasizes financial inclusion, ensuring that all participating civilizations have access to basic financial services and support. Efforts are made to enhance financial literacy, establish credit systems, and provide risk mitigation mechanisms. Ensuring financial stability across star systems enhances economic resilience and strengthens the foundations of the Galias’ economy.

Conflict Consideration:

War plays a significant role in the economic doctrine. While not explicitly mentioned, war impacts various aspects of the doctrine. Resource allocation shifts during war, with factions focusing on military production and defense industries that utilize their faction-specific resources. Technological advancements are often accelerated during conflicts, driving innovation in manufacturing, communications, and transportation sectors. Trade disruptions arise from conflicts, allowing opportunities to present themselves during periods of supply shortages, price fluctuations, and restricted trade flows between star systems. Post-war reconstruction efforts present opportunities for investment and economic growth, as resources are directed toward rebuilding affected areas. Defense expenditure rises during war, potentially diverting resources from social/leisure industries and infrastructure development.

While the doctrine doesn't directly address war, its principles interact with the realities of conflict, requiring adaptation to address the economic consequences and implications of war in the Star Atlas economy. Context and specific policies established by USTUR leadership with the help of the COP will shape the doctrine's response to war within the framework of the federation's economy. In the event of escalated conflict beyond the control of the COP, swift measures will be taken to mobilize the Cradle in order to bring balance back to the galaxy.


Galias Economic Doctrine provides a comprehensive outline for the economic priorities within the federation, guided by cooperation, sustainability, and equality principles. Through the ATLAS currency, the COP oversees interstellar trade, resource allocation, and development, promoting a harmonious and prosperous future for all who participate in the vast economy of Galia.

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