
Modules are the optional, swappable, and customizable elements on ships. A ship with a module slot can support any module type as long as its the correct class.

Module Descriptions

Module Name


Swappable Module

A freight-handling storage space used for the transportation of bulk quantities of materials and goods. Cargo Modules are part of a configurable class of Swappable Modules designed to be easily replaced to repurpose ship capacity. Like Cargo Holds, these spaces typically include cargo-specific features such as racks, rails, tie, and hook security features, as well as automated loading mechanisms.


Swappable Module

A hazardous material storage space used for the transportation of bulk quantities of liquid fuels and capacitance gels. Fuel Modules are part of a configurable class of Swappable Modules designed to be easily replaced to repurpose ship capacity. These spaces typically include large liquid tanks, energy cells, hoses, and cables, as well as automated loading mechanisms.


Swappable Module

A weapons and munitions storage space used for the transportation of bulk quantities of ammunition, missiles, or bombs. Ammo Modules are part of a configurable class of Swappable Modules designed to be easily replaced to repurpose ship capacity. These spaces typically include suspended shock-resistant and heavily secured missile and bomb racks, wall-mounted charging bays for capacitor reloads, auto-cannon feed cannisters, and crates of hypervelocity projectiles.


Swappable Module

A commuter accommodation space used for the transportation of spacefaring passengers and personnel. Passenger Modules are part of a configurable class of Swappable Modules designed to be easily replaced to repurpose ship capacity. These spaces typically consist of tightly arranged, minimalist seating for maximum occupancy, with basic communication, entertainment and dining features built into the seatbacks and armrests, and window views where possible.

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