Treaty of Peace


A moment in space is yet an infinitesimal spec of time in a galaxy. Battles are fought and won, lost and mourned.

Generations are divided by ancient quarrels that mean nothing to the cosmos. Life for a galaxy is a fluid journey through the organisms it evolves. We too have reached an inflection point in our society, we too have reached a chapter of peace and prosperity as the conscious custodians of this great space.

We have reached deep within the galaxy's sentience, far through the interconnected cosmic roads to map our territories, to come together in the darkness. We have reached the Star Atlas of our galactic civilization.

We will have no more blood spilled in crafting our cosmic organism, the MUD, ONI & Ustur set forth this Treaty of Peace, to invoke a brighter future throughout the darkness of our space, to bring light farther than the nebula’s far reaching glare and to unify under one common roof, The Council of Peace.

With all power invoked by this union of minds, of species, of our father and mother- this galaxy, will for this spec of time be unified in its collective mission of exploration, knowledge, expansion and the proliferation of these collections of species we have forged here. For this, we are a single mind, a single vision, a fusion of life that has found its way home.

A unification of species and ideologies is the bridging of one galactic sentience on its journey of finding its way back to its once collective being. As such, we must allow each of the factions their beliefs to seep through, not only in this treaty but in the constitution set forth to be led by the Council's decree.

Let it be known that the faction known herein the year 2523 as MUD with the leader known as Charon Gotti will contribute tenets of peace to the constitution in the sectors of Commerce, Mining & Governance.

Let it be known that the faction known herein the year 2523 as ONI with the leader known as Bekalu will contribute tenets of peace to the constitution in the sectors of Inter Faction/ World Documentation, New Discovery Regulations & Galactic Law Enforcement.

Let it be known that the faction known herein the year 2523 as Ustur with the leader known as Armi.eldr will contribute tenets of peace to the constitution in the sectors of The Species Rights Directive, Armed Forces & Military Defense Warrior Mandate & The De-escalation Accords.

It is with these decrees, these notions of unity, that we use to recognize: any progress only happens in coalitions, that any evolution can only happen with the exchange of ideals, that any natural resource is only as impactful as the society that controls it remains stable. Iris and all that has been, will be a lesson in humility of expansion, in the darkness that erodes the growth of commerce and the unrelenting, untenable notions that embody greed. And in this test, we acknowledge the one universal truth we must all bear, that empathy and compassion is the only path to an alliance. We the MUD, The ONI & The Ustur speak for all that inhabit this great republic on this new dawn of peace, prosperity and evolution of our galactic consciousness.

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