Crew Stations

Crew stations are where the different crew members will perform their various functions. Some stations provide access to multiple functions such as the operator station. In some cases, crew members are assigned to a specific location or roam multiple locations instead of a physical station. Below are descriptions of each of the upcoming crew stations.

Crew Station Descriptions

Station Type


Command Stations maximize efficiency in communication, actionable information, ship status, and bridge crew visibility. While seating can be available, often these stations are the equivalent of broad podiums, or standing desks, offering the Admiral, Commander, or Captain, many user-configurable ways to gain at-a-glance information about the ship, the crew, and surrounding space, as well as being able to manage and message quickly, while still affording maximum visibility of the situation on the bridge, and beyond the canopy. Command Stations are often heavy on displays and light on three-dimensional nano-technology tactile utility fog controls.


Flight Stations are modeled after traditional pilot/driver utilitarian layouts, with the primary focus being on maximum visibility out of the windows, followed by ready access to key multi-functional displays, and ultimately plethora of utility fog controls for flight, thrust, power diversion, and weapons systems. All of this is wrapped comfortably around a seated position for the Pilot, or Navigator, and ergonomically designed for prolonged, and sometimes intense, flight operations.


Engineering Stations offer Engineering Officers access to full, real-time, rotating, color-coded, three-dimensional representations of any and all aspects of the ship, from the exterior to the most internal details, allowing for unprecedented visibility and opportunity to direct resources and manage emergency situations ship wide. Perhaps one of the most expensive and robust stations, second only to the Medical Station, the Engineering Station is often rather large, and long, and requires sophisticated technical aptitude to operate compared to most.


Medical Stations are incredibly robust, complex, and costly stations, often serving as both a multi-functional diagnostic bed, as well as a surgical, or trauma operating table. Medical Officers use these stations to quickly scan, and monitor a patient’s vitals, physical condition, contagion, and genetic health, and use this data alongside assistance from an artificial intelligence system to direct a utility fog based autonomous medical robot to administer required medicines, therapies, transfusions, emergency interventions, and surgical procedures.


Scanning Stations are specialized workstations focused on the monitoring, recording, translation, study, decryption, and analysis of information gathered from a ship’s Scanner Array or stored in a Data Rack. Science Officers use these stations much like crew members might have intently studies radar, sonar, or other forms of intelligence gathered aboard traditional naval vessels from Human history on Earth. While heavily dependent on data displays, the advent of utility fog technology has allowed techs to visualize and analyze data in ways their predecessors could only have dreamt of.


Operator Stations are effectively the little siblings of full-on Control Stations, in that their purpose is to allow a single operator to view only the necessary data or video feeds, and manipulate simplified utility fog controllers, to accomplish a specific, focused objective. In some cases, this may mean that the station is configured to allow a Mining Rig Operator to use manual or assisted control of a mining drill to extract delicate minerals from a fragile asteroid. While in others, the station could be programmed to offer a Weapons Operator maximum visibility and quick reflexes in manning a Turret Hardpoint in high-speed combat while on a mission in the Medium Risk Zone.


Hospitality Stations, while of a less than life-or-death rating in terms of importance, nevertheless supply their talented operators the necessary displays and utility fog mechanisms to cater to the needs of their demanding clientele, whether with a killer cocktail mix for the Mixologist, a perfectly seasoned meal served at precisely the ideal temperature by the Chef, or simply just the right song, cross-faded at just the right moment by yours truly, tonight’s Entertainer.

NA - Location

Crew members with a Location station designation, tend not to work from an immobile seated or standing location, but instead bring their work with them, wherever it is needed. This approach may be visible in their use of a portable digital device for documenting, scanning, analyzing or testing purposes, or even an assortment of analog tools for repair, or rescue operations. Often, Location-based crew members do their work from anywhere within a facility, room, chamber, or at a location where a key event is taking place. For example, an Operations Foreman, could be seen carrying a device throughout the Hangar Bay, as opposed to being seated, or standing at a fixed workstation.

NA - Roaming

Crew members with a Roaming station designation, are even more free to move about a ship. Unlike the Location designation, Roaming crew members can be constantly on the move, from Janitors keeping a ship tidy, to Hospitality Managers moving about the Passenger Cabin tending to the needs of guests, or even regular patrols by the ship’s Security Officers.

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